As a parent, we can find ourselves deep in the trenches. It's hard to take it all in; to be in the moment and appreciate it. Sometimes I wish I could see what's happening from high in the sky, just for a minute or two. I am prone to saying the word "busy" but I don't mean it in a negative way. It's just that time keep on moving forward and sometimes (most of the time) I want it to slow down so I can take a breath and take it all in. I am thankful to be lucky enough to be in the trenches, don't get me wrong, but the days are going by too fast and I don't always notice the special little things happening around me like these moments:
Our two girls having fun on the dance team.
One of our favourite things to do is hike in the bush and each hike gets easier... we started when they were just babies in a carrier. This time we took my brother and his family. They had their baby in a carrier.
Here's Victor... just woke up from a nice nap next to to his mommy.
The other night I had an evening just with Alex. His sisters were each at a sleep over and Ian was working in the field. We had supper together, we played outside and then we went for a ride on the 4-wheeler around our farm. That was so much fun! Alex drove most of the way on his own with my support behind him - it's a big 4-wheeler but he did very well.
No, Grace is not driving yet! We got a new truck this spring and it seems to be a favourite place to play.
We have a beautiful, old tree beside our house. It's the only tree on our yard that the kids can climb and even in a dress, Jean can get up and move around the branches. I have a little anxiety over the kids climbing but I know it's what they like to do... and what childhood is complete without climbing a few trees?
I like to play around with some of the features on my camera. This did not turn out the way I had planned but it is interesting anyways.
I have a very creative oldest daughter. She moves from one craft to the next very quickly but right now it's all about taking interesting photos. I look on my camera and find all sorts of creative shots, such as this one. I don't know why she wanted a photo of her dirty white sock feet... its a good example of what I find periodically. At least it's not another "selfie" although there are still plenty of those! Sometimes we see her run outside just to take a photo of the sunset! She wants to be an artist and I think she has a flare for it... I love being creative as well and it's fun to see her view the world her own way and create what she loves.
Another example of a photo by Grace.
So here I am rambling on about our life. My family. My favourite people in the world. I sometimes look in the mirror and see an older face. I am not getting any younger but I am getting wiser, some days. I am going to just keep on loving each day as they come and look forward to the future and treasure the past.
Enough of the philosophical stuff.
I should probably go fold laundry and watch tv.