Thursday 3 January 2013

Hold On Tight

This New Year has started off quietly.  After a very busy Christmas time (and I mean VERY busy with wonderful family gatherings, parties, and just plain travelling around) we came home on January 1st and relaxed.  The only little issue is that the kids are looking for some routine and school is still days away.  Despite priding myself on my organization skills (or at least trying really hard to be organized), I am not very good at routine.  I plan my week and then change it if something pops into my head that I should do.  When the kids are at home with me, I rarely have meals and snacks at the same time, we don't do the same thing at the same time and bedtime is always different.  I've always wanted to have more routines but I haven't been able to pull it off!  Hence I look forward to school returning... it seems like they haven't been in a school routine for so long because of the record snow days we had before the Christmas break even began.  I'm going to try my best to enjoy these last few days of their holiday but I'm really craving some "me" time again.

Ian and I have always spent time at the beginning of a new year talking about our goals and dreams for the upcoming year.  We haven't done this yet - partly due to Ian feeling under the weather and partly because I'm in a funk right now.  Some emotional issues have reared their ugly head in our life that mainly have to do with some of our loved ones and it is hard to feel motivated when others are dealing with so much heartbreak.  I feel so thankful for what we have and just want to hold on tight.  Looking forward to the future and planning is just not in my immediate radar right now. 

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