Tuesday 28 January 2014

Don't Forget Us

Today is #BellLetsTalk day. I am very impressed by the media coverage through Facebook, Twitter, and television. Our society has come a long way and all for a very good reason. Mental health has been such a taboo subject and so many have suffered by themselves for too long. Fortunately times are changing and therefore people know more and hopefully accept and assist those suffering. 
I can't help but feel that we are forgetting other victims of mental health issues; Those of us that are directly affected because we live with and love those suffering. 
My life has been directly affected by severe depression and possibly more than just that diagnosis alone. I don't know the details. As an adult, my life has been altered because of damage done for so many years. My childhood memories are clouded by negative moments and it has implications on my life as a wife and mother. I carry on and over the years have tried to make sure it hasn't taken over my life. I have cut some ties with the past just to make sure my own mental health stays strong but that doesn't come without some heartache. 
The main reason why I write this is that there is so much publicity and support for those suffering with mental health issues but there are those that suffer right beside the victim that are also victims as well, spouses, partners, parents, especially children who just don't understand and grow up to be sad adults suffering with their own issues. Please don't forget us. 

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