Wednesday 3 September 2014

Kitty Town

Being on a farm includes having a few cats. Over the years we have a few that stick around and actually become pets. They keep the mice population down (and enjoy a few birds, chipmunks, rats etc) and just hang out around the house. 
Strays and drop-offs arrive sometimes. They become part of the mix or leave again. Our children learn the cycle of life quickly with these cats with procreation happening and with the coming and going of felines. 
A few times a year we hear that soft meowing under piles of wood, in dark corners or in tall grass. The kids get very excited and spend their spare time looking for kittens or "playing" with them. This summer we have had two different batches of kittens from one of our cats that has been with us for a while.  The most recent batch has captured our kid's hearts...

These four little kittens make a total of nine cats that we have right now (I am NOT a cat lady). Jean spent quite a bit of time "looking after" them today after she came home from school. Most of the time we don't tame our cats but I am fairly certain as long as these little creatures survive, that they will be tame. All three kids are handling them and Jean and Alex think they like baths in mud puddles and rides down our slide. This could end badly...
It's pretty cute though. Anyone need a cat?

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