Thursday 25 September 2014

Raising Girls

I am a happy mom to three kids!  
Two girls and a boy. 

If you asked me which is more challenging to raise: boys or girls?  Hands down I think it is more challenging to raise girls. Overall we have easy kids....they love life, they are kind (most of the time) and they are easy going. So far, our most difficult moments are related to food.  We have two very picky eaters in the house but I don't get overly stressed about that. I know it will change some day. 

Raising girls is challenging.  I take on that challenge because I feel I am (mostly) a confident person. I know that being pretty isn't everything. Being a good person is everything. I also know that modelling behaviours is hands down the best way to get children to learn how to BE.  I am human...I am not always nice to myself. I have insecurities about my weight, my hair, my smile, my butt, my stomach, my feet (no I like my feet), my face. The list goes on but I TRY to be positive. I try not to complain about myself. I do have confidence in myself to be able to look and feel good but I also know I have so many other qualities that are valuable.  And guess what?  My girls are watching me...even my son is watching!  As parents, we can't escape. 
I guess I am lucky to that my husband loves me just the way I am. I wouldn't have it any other way though...

Despite what I say and do there is an outside influence that creeps into our household. My daughters are also learning how to behave from others but it is our job to right the wrongs and to talk about it and discuss why what they hear and see is good or bad. Positive or negative. Sometimes we need help with that. Today I discovered a source for inspiration. Something my girls (especially my youngest) can read and look at to help us along the path of growing up to love ourselves.  Social media can be a difficult part of raising girls but I take it more as a positive and it's really positive when we can share what we find with others.  Thanks to OttawaValleyMoms for sharing:

I am heading out to find this book. Actually I will get a few of them. 

And remember... They are watching us!  Our every move!  Ha!

1 comment:

  1. It is so true, they are like little sponges and I think that sometimes I forget that, especially since my two are both growing up. Thanks so much for sharing Deb xo
