Sunday 12 October 2014

Feeling Thankful Today

I took some time this morning to read two blog posts I wrote about Thanksgiving.  Each year I take this holiday in stride as we are most likely harvesting and still selling our products at farmers' markets.  In other words, we don't always spend Thanksgiving together.  I have made a point in doing my best to somehow celebrate around the dinner table with whomever can make it within our family and I am taking on the challenge of cooking a turkey with all the trimmings.

I am still so very thankful for what I have mentioned in the past... none of that has changed but this year I feel especially thankful for the life we get to live.  I love being able to provide opportunities for our children and seeing them thrive within those opportunities.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see our children part of a competitive dance team or on a competitive hockey team or being able to watch them at cross country meets.  I didn't know they would love being part of activities that push them to their potential... we get to watch them become pretty awesome human beings that love to participate, love to help others and have so many friends.  The experiences that Ian and I get to give our kids leaves me in awe... I was not overly athletic and I lacked the confidence to be part of teams and competitive activities.  Money and time was always an issue growing up. It wasn't that I didn't have some of those opportunities but it wasn't as easy for me to "put myself out there".  I look at Grace, Alex and Jean and feel such pride that they can do just that and as a result, they have opportunities that are amazing.  That being said, it does take finances and time from us as parents but we are more than happy to do just that - I know we will NEVER regret it.  This year I am thankful for all of that!

Now back to getting my house ready for 22 + visitors...

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