Thursday 22 January 2015

2015 New Years List (that's a boring name)

Is it really almost the end of January?  Seriously?
I have been meaning to write my New Year's list and just haven't gotten around to it yet. It feels like January has been a bit blurry but it's coming into focus now. It started off deep in holiday season with celebrations continuing until January 4. Reality didn't hit until the kids went back to school and even then it took a bit to get on track. I love lists (write them every day, sometimes twice a day) but I am not writing a list of resolutions for this year. I don't even think it is a list of goals but a list of thoughts and wishes for an happy 2015.
1.  Make time to be healthy.  This doesn't mean I cannot indulge in a few of my favourite things (red wine, chocolate, cheese) but I need to create a bit more balance in my diet and giving myself smaller portions will be helpful.  I have some goals in mind to help me along the way to feel better about myself and to be a healthy momma for years to come... I want to be active for the rest of my life.
2.  Continue to strive for balance.  I once read that there is no such thing and those that are trying to achieve it, never will and should give up on that notion.  That struck a chord with me - nothing will stop me from trying to balance my life:  in work, home, kids, marriage, me-time.  I have never "wanted it all" but I do want to look back and have no regrets.
3.  Eat more salads.
4.  Run my second 10K.  Oh and beat my time from last year.  I am definitely a competitive person, especially with myself.
5.  Travel somewhere I have not been before.
6.  Take time to snuggle with my children.  Oh my goodness they are growing up way too fast.  I don't have "little kids" anymore and it all happened in a blink of an eye.
7.  Swear a lot less.  Ian will be happy to hear that!  I think I might start a swear jar for the kids and hopefully they don't get rich off of it!
8.  Drink more water.
9.  Be more romantic because it is a lot of fun.  It amazes me how I have been married for over 10 years (13 years this coming summer) and I can honestly say we have been through A LOT together and our marriage is stronger than ever in every way.  If you asked me all those years ago if I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't have had a clue and I am pleasantly surprised.
10.  What can I say... be in the moment!