The month of June has arrived... and it has swooped in and taken me with it! I am running around like crazy but still trying my best to find those moments to take in what makes June so fantastic.
In our business, June is the month where we prepare and plan our summer season as we open for business once again. This is the time where so much needs to be done in the field but also behind the scenes and that is where I come in.
Besides that, school is busier than ever! I have chosen to be a mom that tries to volunteer as much as possible at our school. I love being a part of our school community but my favourite part is that I can be at the school with my children (sometimes) and get to be a part of some of their classroom activities. This topic requires a whole blog post to itself! Anyways, I try to go on the kid's school trips, visit them at their track meets, help out on their "fun/activity days" and certainly attend their recitals and graduations all while taking the kid's to soccer, dance and swimming lessons after school. Needless to say, June is one busy month but I love it! I'll rest a bit in July and enjoy down-time in the fall!
I love this picture. Grace and her friends are practicing
their dance before performing, on the river's edge,
while Alex and his friend, Anton, are deep in conversation
in the background. |
I hope you can find enjoyment in this lovely, warm month of June to... oh and if you are in the area, pick up some fresh, local and TASTY strawberries right from our own fields! Yum!
One of the best field trips EVER! Alex's class
got to visit the Fire Station and Police Station
among some other great spots. Alex and
his buddies really enjoyed it all! |