I am a little behind recording some events in our life. Spring has sprung and I am entrenched with my usual workload at this time of year... housework, yard work, business work and running around to all my kid's events. I love it all and feel so lucky to have these opportunities to do so much but as a result, my blog gets put on the back-burner. If it doesn't make it on the to-do list, it doesn't get done so I put it on today. I spent much of today at Grace's cross country meet. It is a beautiful day for running and I am so proud of her running again on the cross-country team.
This blog post is not about my kids; it is about ME!
I have spent the past few months training to complete a 10K roadrace and I actually did it!
On Saturday May 3, 2014, I drove Ian's old truck down the road to Carp and met up with friends to run my first 10K race. Four days previous, I had run my first distance of 10K and felt a huge amount of joy but then I noticed a very large and bruised up blister on my right foot and limped for a couple days after. I spent more money on bandaids, socks and cream than I had ever in my life but it was all worth it because by Saturday I was ready to go and felt great.

I am 36 years old. I spent most of my childhood being nervous about competing in sports. I have very athletic siblings and my parents supported us in all of our sporting endeavors but I always felt that I wasn't very good so why bother. I played sports for fun in university and as an adult I have done various fitness activities but this past year I found myself committing to something I never would have thought I could commit to. I have spent a few years starting and stopping running activities but last summer I truly committed and at the end of October, I completed my first 5K. Around Christmas time I decided that I could and should try to run a further distance. I began training (in small amounts) throughout winter but we don't own a treadmill so I had to run outside. This winter was a cold and long season but I persevered and bought a few items to help me through, such as a balaclava, warm running pants and covers for my running shoes to help keep me going on ice. I made myself a goal to run a certain route while on vacation in Florida so that kept me going before we left and once we returned, I just continued. The May 3 Diefenbunker Run came up very quickly but I gave myself no choice but to be ready.
There are so many people out there (many ladies I talk to) that don't think they could run. Running 10K would be impossible. I am proof that it is possible. Starting small and just keep working at it. I will never forget when I ran for 8 minutes straight. I started to cry. Now I can run over an hour straight, without stopping! It is all "baby-steps" and pushing yourself to do something out of your comfort zone. I do not consider myself athletic but I am truly active, healthy and happy. I can run with my kids! I can show them that anything is possible if you just try hard and don't give up.
I had no idea at the time, but I came in second from last in this 10K race. I have my sights set on doing another and my competitiveness drives me to run it even faster. It doesn't matter what place I came in (even though it smarts a bit) but that I did it... I DID IT! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I could but I can.