Thursday 17 January 2013

Grace's First Quilt - January 2013

I am so happy to teach my daughter, Grace, how to sew.
She began her first quilt in early January and took to sewing like she was meant  for it.
I have a sewing desk and table set up in the back of our living room - a convenient spot to work.
I put some masking tape on my machine so she could follow the line easily for sewing.
Grace is a quick learner so her quilt came together quite smoothly.
About half-way through... it is so cozy.
Here she is holding up her quilt... almost finished!  She did ALL of the
sewing up to this point.  We ran out of flannel so the plan is to add strips of
fleece along the sides.  She did a fantastic job!
Here it is - all finished and ready for our drive to Florida!  Grace will have
this nice, cozy quilt to cuddle with on our vacation.  I am so proud of her - and
so excited to plan her next quilt.  I love to sew and want to teach my girls a
love of sewing as well.  I have always been creative and crafty and now I can
share my love of homemade/handmade with her.
Watch out Joanne's Fabric Store, here we come!!!
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  1. WOW - Great job, Grace!
    Isn't it fun to teach our girls to sew and bake and more?! My Meg loves to sew too....I've never made a quilt but would love to learn how too. Maybe we can swap ideas: I help you with blogger, you help me with quilting ;)
    Have a great time on your trip to Florida! You must be sooo excited!
    We should get together sometime - maybe when you get back?
    Drive safe!

  2. Thanks again Cindy! We added a bit more to her quilt and it is beautiful and done! Ready for our big drive to Florida! Take care.
