Thursday 3 October 2013

Happy Birthday to Alex... 7 years old already!

It was a beautiful October day... similar to the days we are enjoying right now.  Alex was my second baby and his arrival was a little less dramatic than when we had our first baby (Grace) and a little more like a typical labour despite his early arrival (just a few days).  Ian and I spent the afternoon of October 3, 2006, walking up and down our laneway while my contractions proceeded.  By late afternoon we made our way to Renfrew Victoria Hospital and our wee Alexander John Denniston arrived in the evening.  He was a jaundiced little fellow but healthy nonetheless!

He was such a sweet little baby... those cheeks and that little smile were irresistable!

Happy First Birthday to Alex
Alex was a happy little baby but had a lot of fussy times.  He was a very poor sleeper for a couple of years but much of this was due to teething.  He didn't break out in a rash and didn't develop fevers but he just cried and cried... his poor little mouth was sore a lot!  
Many baby pictures showed him with red, red cheeks.

Sitting with Mommy at his first birthday party

Alex at 2 years old.

By the time Alex turned 3 years old he had definite interests and for this birthday we celebrated "Cowboy Style".
Here he is dismantling his horse corral and licking off the icing!

Alex at 5 years old... almost a big kid!

Here is Alex at his 6th birthday party - another beautiful October day!  Love his smile!

Happy 7th Birthday Alex

Today Alex turns that magical age of 7... a great age!  He has been counting down the days and wishing for a few new toys.  Playing with his lego is one of his favourite activities but Alex has many interests.  Another favourite activity of his is reading and playing games on his ipod. He is really, really smart and excels at school.  Alex enjoys sports and plays basketball, soccer and hockey among other games at school.  Spending time with Daddy in the tractor and combine is also special for him and he takes any chance he can to be there.  A very special attribute of Alex is his friendly nature.  He makes friends everywhere we go - he has made new friends so many times.  We will go to a park and he will easily find someone new to play with.  Last year we were watching the fireworks at Disney's Magical Kingdom and he made a friend while watching.  He meets other children, introduces himself and asks their name... and always finds a way to have fun with them.  That's pretty special.  He is the only boy in the middle of two girls and has been surrounded by "girliness" yet he finds ways to have fun with his sisters and also loves those special times he gets to spend with his two best cousins, Noah and Ross... the only boys in his life that can be like brothers.
We are so proud of Alex... and love him like crazy!  Happy 7th Birthday!

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