Tuesday 29 October 2013

My Own Running Club

I took control over a big part of my life recently... my physical health.  I reached a milestone this weekend and completed my first 5K race at the Unity Run in Arnprior.  I was so nervous, slept very poorly the night before and in the morning I thought, "what am I doing??" dragging my family out on a cold morning so I could run along the streets with a bunch of other crazy people doing the same?  In my moments of clarity I wanted my family to be there for me, to hug and kiss me before I took off and to see me cross the finish line but early Sunday morning I just wanted to crawl right back into bed.  Needless to say, Ian was supportive and told me this has been a goal of mine and they wanted to support me no matter what.  Plus they could just hang out in the warmth of the building nearby and wait for me.  Once I arrived, I got very excited, joined a few of my friends at the start line.

I am so proud of myself... I learned that once I set my mind to something like this, I can achieve it.  No matter my weight, age, or how athletically challenged I am, it can be done!

What's next?  I would LOVE to be able to run 10K!  Maybe next spring...

What I love about running:
1.  It is almost like meditation - very peaceful.
2.  No interruptions (unless a dog decides to chase me... yikes)
3.  I feel strong.
4.  I feel better - not just stronger but more confident in my body.  That's always a good thing.
5.  The great sense of accomplishment.  I distinctly remember when I could run for 8 minutes straight.  It brought me to tears.  Now I can run much longer than that but that was such a milestone for me.
6.  I feel like I'm part of a "running club" even though I run by myself most of the time.  When I see others run, I have something in common with them.
7.  Running is good for my heart and I LOVE that.
8.  I have inspired my daughter, Grace, to join the cross country team at her school and she surprised herself by actually being good at it.  That's pretty special to me.
9.  Ian is very supportive of me (always) but particularly in my quest to improve my health.  I guess he wants me to stick around for a long time.

I hope I have inspired others to take a leap and try something new and good for them.  I know I have been inspired many, many times by others around me.

I almost forgot...
10.  I love the clothes that goes with running - colourful shoes, nice running pants, cute tops, funky headbands... the list goes on.


  1. You are an inspiration, Deb! Thank you!!
    I want to start running too, if only for number 10!!

    1. I agree with you on #10. I actually gave myself a present after my run of a trip to Lululemon for a few things. It was so much fun!

  2. I love running too - especially because of #10!!
