Thursday 21 November 2013

Running the Roads

This morning I was inspired (I love being inspired and it happens all the time) by an article I read:

The Last Ride

Ian and I are just at the beginning of our careers running the roads with our kids.  Grace has been dancing on the competitive team for over 2 years, the kids have played soccer for a few years and Alex just began playing minor hockey this fall, among the other activities the kids have done...

Before they were old enough to participate in organized sports (activities), we had this idea that they would take one activity at a time.  We would not spend most of our evenings driving our kids to town...

Little did we know what reality looks like.  This is a choice we have made.  An active choice and we are LOVING almost every moment!

We live 20 minutes from town.  Our typical day consists of sending the kids off to school, taking them off the bus, eating supper and heading off to dance, hockey, swimming, soccer...
We adjust our supper time to accommodate the time we need to leave and we eat supper together most nights.  There is no doubt that as much as the kids love their activities, they love evenings at home with no plan in sight but despite that, they rarely (and I mean rarely) argue about where we are going and what they are fortunate to participate in.  We happily pile into our minivan and away we go!  Weekends are similar with a bit more breathing room but rare is a day without somewhere to go and someone having a game or practice.

We wouldn't trade it for anything.  Recently my friend told me that her favourite part of taking her kids to their practices and games is the drive.  No screens are allowed and they TALK.  They communicate with each other.  I love that idea - this is the time you can really connect with your child and learn about what's happening in their life and how they feel.  Those moments are irreplaceable.  Grace has been know to chat nonstop about her day for the 20 minute drive to Arnprior - imagine how valuable that is to both of us!

Ian has been supportive in all of our kids endeavors right from the beginning.  He has always held a strong ethic when it comes to team sports and he feels that if you sign up for a team (or are asked to join and you accept) that you need to be committed and he is passing his philosophy on to our children.  I also think he secretly loves being a hockey and soccer dad (and a dance dad)...

I have heard over and over again from parents of "grown-ups now" that they don't regret anything when it comes to how busy their child was.  They loved the early morning practices, many evenings out, weekends filled with games and performances and feel that the money they spent was very well spent.  They knew where their children were and trusted the people they were with.  Their kids were hanging out with like-minded people and there were excellent role models everywhere.  I can already see that with our daughter.  Her dance group is filled with older girls that are great kids: responsible, passionate and hard-working.

The article in the Globe and Mail pulled on my heartstrings.  I don't want these moments to ever end.  Even when it feels like I want to get off this crazy ride, all I really need is a little break and I want to get right back on.  Ian and I will always remember these years with happiness and pride and no matter what kind of vehicle we are driving down the road, how many kids are with us, where we are going, how early in the morning it is, we will be content that we are giving our kids some of the best experiences money can buy.

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