Thursday 6 March 2014

Another Winter Day

We have a very long lane so some days we drive the kids to bus but if we have time, we all walk. There have been way too many cold mornings so we drive much of the time but today we all bundled up and made the trek down the lane to catch the bus. 

This morning I was looking up to the sun for some warmth and found none. It was cold on my face. It feels like the middle of January, not the beginning of March. We are anxiously waiting for Mother Nature to change her mind on winter and begin the MELT. And what a melt it will be. 

Looking for signs of spring. 

This year we are planning on tapping some of our maple trees. This is our sugar bush and it looks a long way from being ready for maple syrup season. 

So we wait and I guess we should make the most of it. No doubt once spring arrives, the real work begins. In the meantime I need to buy two pairs of winter boots that don't have holes in them.