Friday 28 March 2014

March 28 Snow Day (actually freezing rain...)

It is supposed to be early spring.  It is supposed to be a school day.  I woke up in the night hearing hard rain pellets on our roof.  I just knew the buses would be cancelled due to freezing rain.

This has been the endless winter of 2014.  I have felt dreary and dull during these days of deep cold temperatures and icy driveways and walkways.  The temperature has risen a bit today and this rain should help to start thawing all the ice that is covering the landscape.  I have looked out my window for over 5 months and have seen snow.  Holy Smokes 5 MONTHS of SNOW!  That must be a record!

Despite all of that, we have enjoyed our indoor time.  I have started quite a few little projects in my home, finished some of them, made an abundance of jam, baked and baked and baked and our kids have thoroughly played with their inside toys, made many crafts, used hundreds of pieces of paper for drawings and... shhhhh... have played on our ipad way too much.  It is now OFFICIALLY time to start spending time outside but we will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings because it is raining now.

Here's a snippet of our (hopefully last) snow day:

We decided to make 3 different colours of playdoh.

The kids took over the living room with their lego.

My plan for my day, before the buses were cancelled, included making a few batches of jam
 and I was happy to get that accomplished.

 While I was working in my kitchen I found two little people under the piano bench "cooking up a storm" with dishes and play doh... Grace was quietly writing a story on her own somewhere else.

It was truly a peaceful day... and then, to make the day even better, we had visitors over for a couple of hours.  My friend and I shared a couple drinks, gabbed about life all while the kids were running around the house playing hide-and-seek.
Then they ventured outside for some very wet fun.
It was a good day.


  1. Looks like fun Deb!! Hope you used the measuring cups before the playdoh!! See you have jam jars without the screw top I am use too. Do you seal them with a hot water bath?? Do you sell your own strawberry jam?

  2. Even your writing is peaceful... loved it all! Love, Janie xoxo
