Thursday 1 May 2014

An Easy and Fun Garden Project

We have a HUGE garden. It spans our whole farm. Therefore over the years our "house garden" has become smaller and smaller while eventually becoming nothing but a small patch of asparagus. We are so busy during the spring and summer months that the smaller garden we planted, with various vegetables that are not grown on a larger scale on our farm, would get ignored. Weeds would grow so high and vegetable wouldn't be harvested. When you look out the kitchen window now, there is nothing but a patch of struggling grass. 

There is a sense of accomplishment when you can plant seeds and continue to watch them grow and even though the kids spend some time in our fields, this is just another way to teach them about growing good food and beautiful plants. 

I came across this garden project a few weeks ago from Pinterest. We saved three orange juice cartons, bought some seeds (which I later remembered I could have taken from the huge collection in our barn) and dug up some nice fertile soil. 

It is fairly simple...

Jean put the soil into her own container. 

Planting the seeds is the best part.  Having wooden sticks for marking is key if you want to remember what was planted and where!

She is almost done. It only took a few minutes. 

She is a proud little gardener. We organized all the supplies for her brother and sister to be able to do the same thing when they got home. 

Our kitchen window is a very good spot to have the planters. The warmth from the sun and warm water allowed the seeds to germinate quickly. We saw sprouts within three days. 

Hopefully we can transplant the seedlings outdoors at the end of May. 

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