Thursday 5 June 2014

On the Way Home From Walmart

My sister-in-law had her third child this week so I looked after her middle child for the day yesterday. I kept our youngest home from kindergarten so they could play together, which they do so well. The girls and I took a drive to Walmart and wandered around the store in search of new markers, bubble wands and groceries. On the way home we noticed a helicopter in the sky and that's when the conversation took a turn. Jean (my daughter) explained to Allie (my niece) that she had a ride in a helicopter once. Allie wanted to know when and that's when Jean explained to her that after she was born she was sick and a helicopter had to take her away. Allie was quite interested and asked if I was able to go with her. I said that I was much too sick myself to go... My mind was racing because her own mommy had just given birth. Would she put it together and wonder if her own little sister is sick and if her mommy was also sick?  She asked a few more questions but the conversation moved on to something else. Phew. 
That conversation had me choked up while driving home. I don't think I will ever forget how scared we were that night, how sick she was and how so many people saved her life. I will never, ever forget some of the words those CHEO "helicopter" nurses said. How they swiftly and confidently took her away to a place where she could be looked after in such a serious condition. They were so calm and I found myself being calm as well. It's absurd to think about those moments now. I still feel the tears come when I remember how she almost left us right after she arrived. It was so scary. 

This weekend is the annual CHEO telethon. We haven't had a lot of experiences there and are thankful for that but no matter what, we feel that what CHEO was able to do for us that night was invaluable. Immeasurable. Priceless. All families that have had any experience at CHEO will tell you that and those that have been blessed to not have crossed paths with CHEO...well I am certain they would feel the same. 
We have been part of CHEO's monthly club for quite some time and will continue to do so...forever. We are very, very fortunate to have world-class care so close to home. 

Every time we see or hear a helicopter we look up and I always think of that night. She was so lucky to have that ride. 

1 comment:

  1. Now you have me all choked up too Deb. I will never forget the early morning sound of the helicopter going over our house that day and, although I didn't know it at the time, wee Jean was in it!!! I remember thinking "oh I'm sure I wouldn't know who is in the chopper but I hope they're ok". Life can be so scary and miraculous all at the same time. And life just wouldn't be the same without our wee Jean.
