Monday 14 July 2014

Happy 10th Birthday to Grace

Ten years ago today (well actually at 12:45am this morning) I became a mom.  She gave me a run for my money entering this world but I didn't know any better and I took it all in stride.  Soon we were a great pair enjoying my maternity leave from teaching - I could take her anywhere!  She was such an easy baby and I relished every moment I spent with her.  She marks the beginning of our family...

Soon after she was born

First Birthday

Grace as a flower girl in Uncle Cameron and Aunt Mandy's wedding, 2 years old
Grace, 3.5 years old, Alex, 1 year old

Our first family camping trip, Grace, 4 years old and Alex, almost 2 years old (I was expecting Jean)

Grace, 5 years old and Jean, 9 - 10 months old

Grace's 6th birthday party (look at those wiggly front teeth)

Grace, 7 years old

Grace's 8th birthday

Grace's 9th birthday

 Here she is on her 10th birthday today... celebrating at Aunt Margy and Uncle Mark's cottage on Norway Lake.  It was a perfect summer day and we enjoyed some relaxation and cottage life.

Wishing our girl a very, very happy birthday with so many more wonderful years to come.  We are incredibly proud of her - she is becoming such an amazing person.  She is thoughtful, smart, a really good friend, sibling, daughter, niece, grandchild and PERSON.  She works hard and enjoys life.  Her creativity inspires me.  She is a joy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late but happy birthday Grace! So neat to look back through these photos! What beautiful, happy kids.
