Tuesday 24 April 2012

Continuing With My Gratitude Journal

I re-started my Gratitude Journal again yesterday... here is a continuation of what I am thankful for:
  • Grace (again) - She takes things in stride, is easily proud of herself and not too hard on herself.  Today she performed at the Renfrew Music Festival and was judged on her piano-playing ability and she did amazing.  We are so proud of her.
  • For evenings when the kids can entertain and play with eachother AND  get-along.  It was a peaceful evening while making dinner tonight and I am so thankful for that.
  • Ian's patience and support of me.  No matter what I say or how I act, he is calm during the storm.
  • My brother's new-found strength... keep it up!
  • My comfy bed and a good book to read.

Alex, Grace and Jean - on one of our many hikes in the bush and fields surrounding our home.


  1. Hey Deb!
    I have something I'd like to send you by mail if that's ok? Could you forward me your address?

  2. Or I can get it to you via Jane too...if that's easier :)
