Friday 17 August 2012

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary

Today Ian and I have reached an important milestone in our marriage... we have been married for 10 years today!!

We began dating in the middle of our 3rd year of university.  I'm not exactly sure when we met though because Ian remembers me before I remember him - oops!  I pursued him but he asked me out on our first date and we have been inseperable ever since.  I have so many great memories of the times we shared in University.  We made some very good friends while attending the University of Guelph and attended a lot of weddings for quite a few years afterward.  After graduation from U of Guelph and then Teacher's College (Buffalo N.Y.), we moved to the Ottawa Valley.  Ian had lived here all of his life and wanted to be a part of his family farm and I felt I could teach anywhere so followed him up here.  We lived in a nice little house owned by his Grandparents and it was then we got engaged.  On July 24, 2001, in our big red barn, Ian proposed to me (it was very romantic... planned out perfectly).  A year later on August 17, 2002, we got married on the front lawn of what is now our home.  When I think about it now it gives me goosebumps but it was one of the hottest days of the summer!  The best part of our wedding was EVERYTHING!  We had so many family and friends here to celebrate with us and I still say it was the best party I've ever been to!  We danced and danced and danced...

Ten years later we are still dancing just not as often.   These past ten years have given us 3 beautiful children - the best part of our marriage!  We live on a beautiful, big farm, which has changed a lot in 10 years.  Ian started out our marriage as a parttime teacher and parttime farmer and I was a full time teacher.  Ian is now a fulltime farmer and I am work at home looking after our children and working parttime for the farm business.  It is exactly the life we want - filled with doing what we love!  No doubt we have our challenges and our marriage has not been perfect but we take each day as it comes... I feel blessed to have someone I can rely on, someone who takes me as I am and someone I know loves me - forever.  Despite all of the hard times (and we have certainly had our share) we are a team and we are going to travel the same path.  I love him with all of my heart and soul.

Here's to many more decades of travelling the same path!  Cheers to us!

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